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Solve at least 4 crore cases

in 60 days

Our main focus is to reform Section 215 of Bharatiya Nagarik Suraksha Sanhita, 2023 (previously CrPC 195). Further, please refer to CrPC 340.

          The Problem       

Sadly, only in India, we let everyone lie even in the courts (Perjury). Fraud is permeating in every ounce of our society. Nothing from food, milk, air, or water is safe to consume. It is because anyone can flout the law with no consequence. It is easy to escape any penalty, tax or consequence by simply fabricating documents, bribe or lie in courts.

India boasts the highest judges per taxpayer in the world that is 4 times USA and 20 times UK and Australia. Still our judges can’t keep up with the case load despite working the hardest. Perjury is really the root cause of all the injustice, delays, corruption, fraud and crimes. Developed economies take perjury very very seriously and have no pendency of cases in courts. 

Due to corruption, India is suffering from pollution like air pollution, water pollution, noise pollution, soil pollution and all other types of pollution

                   Our Mission                        

To remove backlog of 4 crore cases (75%) from courts by creating strong deterrence for perjury by announcing one time amnesty.

Clamping down perjury with 2 months public notice
(like demonetization) 

Fast tracking perjury cases above murder and rape 

Icon of a clock to signify fast tracking of corruption, fraud, lies, bribe and perjury cases

Allowing success fee for lawyers and also make them responsible for perjury due diligence or malpractice. 

Indian rupee icon to signify the need for awarding lawyers who do speedy jobs

Faceless punitive damages to create deterrence in crime 

black mask icon for a fight against corruption, fraud and pollution

Solve at least 4 crore cases
in 60 days by: 

Impact of clamping down perjury within
2 months (like demonetization)

An icon of Judicial court that fights against lies, fraud, perjury, corruption, air pollution and water pollution

Legal profession  

  • Make profession respectable and trustworthy 

  • Allow contingent fee and bigger tort damages 

  • Deliver true value for clients with justice 

  • Makes the legal profession profitable and respectable like their western counterparts.

Ease of doing businesses icon - trillions of dollars of investment in India will be possible if perjury is taken a s very serious offence

Ease of doing businesses​

  • It unlocks trillions of dollars of wealth and resources today stuck in decades of litigation.

  • Make contracts enforceable and IP valuable

  • Business contracts and IP rights can be trusted for investments.

Icon for society and its citizens - society should be free of corruption, fraud, twisted lies and all types of pollution

Citizens and Society

  • Access to justice 

  • Deterrence to crime and fraud 

  • Make society truthful 

  • National pride in culture 

Icon of hands holding a scale balance - It signifies a corruption free society, solving pending cases in courts to make India a developed nation

Unclog courts

  • Eliminate at least 4 crore cases (75%) within 2 months.

  • Make cases at least 10x simpler 

  • Unburden the judges 

  • Resolve cases 10x faster 

Icon of hands safeguarding people - rule of law, timely income tax and no corruption


  • Establish enforceability of rule of law 

  • Higher tax honesty and compliance 

  • Deter corruption by making it prosecutable 

Why now?

There has never been a better time to lay the foundation of “SATYUG”. We sincerely hope the current ruling party will stop this corruption of society by upholding the slogan of our national emblem “Satyamev Jayate” to its glory by removing the blindfold of justice and allow cognizance of Perjury u/s 215 of BNSS (earlier 195 of CrPC).  

The government has recently shown the will to overhaul the justice delivery system but has fallen a bit short of making the 3 bills passed as being effective in clearing the backlog.


Satyug is a choice and a matter of political will. It is not a limitation of technology. 

Our Proposal

About us

Satyug is a choice and a matter of political will. It is not a limitation of technology. 

Raja ka pehla dharma hai Nyaya. 


Governance Structure

Inspired by the success of open-source software movements, Team Satyug operates with transparency and openness. We have an open roadmap, open items for volunteers, and a voting system based on the merits of our manifesto.


Our Commitment

We encourage every volunteer to commit just one hour a day to the cause, whether it's through thinking, talking, or taking actions that move our mission forward. Our philosophy of "Absolute Satvik Karm" emphasizes selfless actions for the greater good, without seeking reputational credit.


No Funding

Team Satyug operates as a completely cashless NGO. We do not accept any cash or donations. Our movement thrives on the active mental and time contributions of professionals and experts who believe in engineering positive legislative reforms.


Who runs this?

This group is run by volunteers, including many prominent reformists, luminaries and revolutionaries dedicated to the cause of building a Just and Truthful society. 

We would like the Team Satyug to remain as a revolutionary thought or movement run by mass-volunteers. We expect no one to contribute more than one hour per day to the cause with the cleanest of intentions and best of their ability.

A beautiful flower in hands - peace, prosperity, affluence, values and no more corruption in India

Our Values

Non-Political Approach: Team Satyug is not a political party. We strive to provide constructive criticism to ruling parties, fostering a meritocratic approach to governance.


Volunteer-Driven Movement: Our movement is entirely run by volunteers who dedicate their time and expertise with a shared goal of contributing positively to society.

Religion-Neutral Values: Team Satyug is completely neutral when it comes to religion, prioritizing humanity above all else. We discourage any association with religious discussions.

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